2011-2012 BYLAWS

Stillwater Hunting Club provides hunting opportunities for Deer, Turkey, Duck and other small game. Stillwater abides by all North Carolina game regulations. In addition, Stillwater has a higher set of standards for members and guests. Fines are applied to certain actions. All fines must be paid before the next hunt. Fines against guests are the responsibility of the sponsoring member and must be paid by that member before the next hunt.


Stillwater provides two distinct deer hunting opportunities. The "main farm" (including the Thrower Farm) and Dawson's are under stricter management practices than the remaining properties. Aerial maps of each property are located at the club houses. It is our goal as a club to protect young bucks and allow them to grow. The following rules apply to each type of area.

Managed (QDM) Areas

a) Bucks killed in the QDM areas must meet only one of these three criteria:

1) The buck must be shoulder mounted.

2) The buck’s antlers must measure 16" or wider on the outside of the main beams.

3) The member pays $300 to the club.

b) Two bucks per membership may be killed from the QDM areas (this includes bucks killed by the member and their family members) .

c) Guests (defined below in 8e) can only kill does in the QDM areas.

Exception to this rule : A member’s "immediate family" member that does not meet the "over 18 years old" requirements can kill a buck in the QDM area if a $25 guest fee is paid prior to the hunt.

Exception Example : A member’s son is over 18 and is not in college. Therefore he is not a "qualifying child" but is a "guest" under rule 8e. However, this person can pay the $25 fee to hunt for a buck in the QDM areas.

d) Spikes less than 6" long carry a fine of $50 for guests and members. This provision does not imply that shooting spikes is acceptable.


Unmanaged Areas

a) There are no specific size restrictions in the unmanaged areas, however, our goal is to protect young bucks.

b) Guests can shoot bucks or does in these areas.

c)  The unmanaged areas are : Plumline, Springhill, Ward, Sammy’s, Enfield, Mobile and I-95


All stands designated on the club maps are "club" stands and are on a first come first serve basis. All ladder stands, towers, tripods and box stands must be labeled on the club map with a sticker and are considered "club" stands and are on a first come first serve basis. ALL Lock-on’s, climbers or ground blinds must be located on the map with a sticker but cannot be hunted without the permission of the owner of the stand.  Each hunter must sign "in" and "out" at the sign-in book provided at the clubhouse. All hunting at the Scotland Neck properties will be controlled from the "Uzzell" clubhouse located on that property. 

Members are responsible for each other’s safety. The next-to-last member signing out in the evening must wait for the last member to return to the clubhouse. A cell phone list will be posted at the sign in book to help with contacting members. Hunters leaving without signing out will be fined $25 (including guests).

Morning Hunts – If you sleep or are present at the club you can sign in the night before, others can sign in upon arrival at the club in the morning.

Afternoon Hunts – You may sign in after 12 noon if the morning hunter has signed out of that stand.


Each deer taken must be recorded in the NC Wildlife Registration Book located at the main clubhouse.  Per the NC Regulations, deer must be checked in prior to skinning and quartering. Every buck taken must be photographed before skinning.  These photos will be added to the club website.


a) It is your responsibility to dress and clean your kill.

b) Dispose of deer remains in designated areas.

c) Do not leave camp until your animal has been dressed, cleaned and properly disposed of.

d) Deer are honorable animals and should always be treated with respect.


All members must sign in and out for a general area at the clubhouse. Hunting at the Scotland Neck properties is controlled from the "Uzzell" clubhouse. Each bird killed should be registered by calling 1-800-IGOTONE


All members must sign in and out for a general area at the clubhouse. Hunting at the Scotland Neck properties is controlled from the "Uzzell" clubhouse.


a) Available to all members throughout the year.

b) Clean up all trash and turn off lights upon leaving.

c) Place key back in location.

d) Keep dishes, cups, glasses and utensils washed and out of the sink

e) Keep all bottles and trash picked up from the yard.

f) Each member must take ownership in the clubhouse and property by keeping it clean and safe.

g) Lights out - 

Sunday thru Thursday - 11:00 pm

Friday - 12:00 am

Saturday - No limit

h) Hunters less than 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult during over night stays.

i) Bunks are on a first come first serve basis.

j)  There will be no smoking in the clubhouses


a) Guest fees are $25 per day, apply to all types of hunting and are the responsibility of the sponsoring member.

b) All guests must be accompanied by a member.

c) Guest fee box is located at the main clubhouse. Guest fees should be paid before you hunt.

d) A guest can only hunt three times per year.

e) A guest is defined as anyone other than the member’s immediate family. "Immediate Family" members are defined as the member’s spouse, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter or grandchild under 18 years old. Qualifying children over 18 must live with the member AND be enrolled in full time college.


a) Insurance is purchased by the club through the Quality Deer Management Association

b) The policy protects the club and the land owners from liability for injury.

c) This insurance does not cover expenses related to an injury.

d) This policy does not cover ATVs that may be damaged, stolen or burned. All members leaving their ATVs assume all liability.


All complaints regarding a breech of these rules and the NC Regulations must be submitted in writing or email to Steve Love. The complaint must be specific and signed by a paying club member. Disciplinary actions will be decided on a case by case basis.


a) Paid member - Membership for one person and their immediate family. "Immediate Family" members are defined as the member’s spouse, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter or grandchild under 18 years old. Qualifying children over 18 must live with the member AND be enrolled in full time college.

b) Student member - This is a paying member that is a full-time college student.

c) New member - This is a first time member. New members are on probation for one year. Violation of any of the bylaws or NC Game Regulations constitute termination of membership without refund.


Pick up all empty shells, casings or trash after using the shooting range. No shooting is allowed after dark and no shooting prior to 2:30pm on Sundays.  Make an effort to confirm no one is hunting or plans to hunt in the stands near the clubhouse before target shooting. No shooting before 10am or after 3pm if hunters are present.


a) Stay on paths.

b) Do not ride on farmers crops or food plots.

c) Do not fire your weapon while on a four wheeler.


During hunting season, scouting is allowed on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. While scouting, you must sign in for an area or stand. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are reserved for hunting only. When visiting the properties during the off seasons, each member and guest must sign in and out for general areas/properties.


Members are required to attend at least two work days. The fine for missing a work day is $25 per day. Exceptions will be decided on a case by case basis.

Work days for 2011 are : March 26, TBD, July 23.