Mr. Strick, the "Master Blaster".  Note the special "de-tachment" on the end of his barrel.  Insert mud, add a little too much T.V. and BLAM! BANG! POW! have a ruined shotgun barrel.  Here's a transcript from a recording of the event:

Strick- "Hey I have mud in my barrel how do I get it out?"
Marshall- "You need to take your barrel off and blow it out."
Strick- "Na man I can just shoot it out."
Marshall- "NO, don't do that it will blow the barrel up."
Strick- "No way, I saw this on mythbusters its cool" (puts gun up to hip fire)
Marshall-"Wait a minute, let me get behind a tree or something"


Marshall-"You just ruined your gun"
Strick- "Wow, I guess myth busters was wrong"